Poets and Chess Players is a WWII spy adventure serial with new installments posting weekly. Graphics are by The Chronicler.
Poets is being posted as it’s written and will remain available for all subscribers until it is complete. I have plans for a sequel, to be completed before I start posting it; once that goes up (targeting early 2025), I will be removing Poets for edits.
November, 1941, Austria: Viktor Polzin needs desperately to prove his loyalty to his controllers in Soviet intelligence. Matia Echevarria can’t set foot on American soil again until he does a favor for an old friend who’s gone federal. Jeanne Martin wants nothing more than to disentangle herself from the British SIS, but there’s one last thing she owes her handler. Between them all stands the man codenamed MONK, a missing informant who holds the details of the Germans’ new super-heavy tank. As they pursue him into the increasingly shadowy depths of his double life, his trail leads them down a spiraling path that may win them everything they hope for, or crush them all - the Monk included - in body, mind, and soul.
To my husband, who told me I had to post it somewhere.
Imagination does not breed insanity. Exactly what does breed insanity is reason. Poets do not go mad; but chess players do.
– G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy
[Part One]
In Which Comrade Lieutenant Seleznyov Proposes A Conspiracy (Part One)
In Which Comrade Captain Polzin Encounters A Lady (Part One)
In Which Miss Martin Demonstrates The Use Of A Rifle (Part One)
In Which Mr. Echevarria Confesses A Certain Distaste For The Swiss (Part One)
In Which Miss Martin Remarks That Wolves Don’t Eat Each Other
Part One Summary & Part Two Cast
[Part Two]
In Which Mr. Echevarria and Comrade Seleznyov Inspect A Hydroelectric PlantIn Which Fräulein Löwe Makes An Introduction
In Which Comrade Polzin Theoretically Solves Three Problems At Once
Interlude: What Dreams May Come
In Which Dr. Haber Tests A Hypothesis
In Which Mr. Echevarria Undertakes A Vow
In Which The Sun Comes Out
In Which Mr. Echevarria Takes Up Birdwatching
In Which Frau Liechti Despairs Once And For All Of Respectability
Part Two
In Which Comrade Polzin Reviews His Balance Sheet
In Which Miss Martin Makes A Deal
In Which Mr. Echevarria Recalls That He Is, After All, A Privateer
In Which Dr. Haber Proves Himself Useful
In Which Some Events Are Beyond Comrade Polzin’s Control
[Part Three]
[Chapter titles coming at the conclusion of Part Two]
I love WWII stories and chess, easiest subscribe in a while. Let's go!