Be sure to give yourself plenty of grace as you go through this next season of your life. I hope all goes well for you!

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Ah, that thing that I struggle most with. Thank you, I'll try to enjoy it!

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My cat likes to sit under my Christmas tree, like she's a present (which she is, tbh).

I can certainly relate to not having a strong pitch. I purposefully called myself "The Casual Writer" because I can't bring myself to commit to certain goals. Then again, maybe I need to have some sort of plan...

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I think “The Casual Writer” is a pretty good pitch! At least in that it says up front what to expect, you know? I originally thought I was going to be posting a lot more about my historical research, but at the moment I'm not even writing historical fiction.

I love cats. They just know they can get away with anything.

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