Baby Sparky! Christa's missing! Jake! Oh man. Baz doesn't know!

Oh man.

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We didnt get sebastians pov to humanize marissa! We needed it because Marissa talks herself in circles and he kinda balances her out. She drives me crazy! JuUuSt TaAaAlK tO eAcH oThEr!!!!1!

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just know that I thought of you and your blood pressure before I went ahead and wrote it anyway. :)))

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blood is squirting out of my eyes and across the room so thanks for that

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Eek! Okay, maybe not the ideal circumstances, but babies!!

I’m biting my nails about poor Christa, though.

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I mean, is it really *ever* a good time for babies? They're so good at showing up just when you think you can't handle anything else. And then somehow it works out.


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Literally living that right now. 😂🤦‍♀️😅

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Girl, I am overwhelmed with her! Where is Christa? What's she gonna tell Sebastian? I can't wait for the next installment!

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It is a lot going on!

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