This is a wonderful read. I am enjoying the light hearted approach to the whole hero/villain thing. The protagonists is adorable in a way even though he is evil. It almost reminded me of that musical Dr. Horrible Sing a long movie.

What a lovely fun story!

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Thank you, Ika! We do quote Dr. Horrible pretty frequently at our house. :D

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This is pure joy. So fun, with just a hint of darker things below the surface. Please give us more!

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I may have just impulsively started something! I was not expecting everybody to love this as much as I do.

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I almost passed on this because it was a superhero story and those aren’t usually my jam, but I am so, so glad that I didn’t! I’m a sucker for a character who loves a good playlist, lol.

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Oh, high praise! Thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed it. And welcome to the ‘stack. :)

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Lady Radiance is so sweet and adorable!

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Thank you!

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Thursday’s huh?😏 That was fun! Thank you.🩶

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Heheh, imagine that. ;) Thank you for reading! I’m glad you liked it.

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Ah, l'amour.

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Glad you found this one, Michael!

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May 23Liked by E.B. Howard

Love the writing, style, voice—all of it. .

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Thank you so much! And welcome to the newsletter. I haven't read many of your posts, but I've been really enjoying the people-watching stories on Notes.

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